Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Continental Drift Free Essays

The Earth is formed by plate tectonics continuously shifting causing a continental drift. This theory is more accepted than when it was originally published due to better technology providing better research and evidence. This paper discusses a little on both the plate tectonics and the continental drift as well as how the scientific method helped understand this process better. We will write a custom essay sample on Continental Drift or any similar topic only for you Order Now Eye words: Continental Drift, Scientific Theory, Plate tectonics In 191 5, a scientist by the name of Alfred Wagoner proposed the continental drift hurry. The idea that the continents are continuously moving either towards or away from each other. The continental drift is more widely accepted today than back when it was originally suggested by Wagoner. Wagoner had a hard time proving his theory to others because the lack of evidence he could provide. In the last part of the 20th century there has been a tremendous amount of evidence collected to support the theory of continental drift. Some of these include; Fossils from plants and animals that have been found on multiple continents, glaciers scars left in rocks in the most Zaire places, and you could also line up certain mountain chains together. That is a indication that they were once linked together. Also scientists have found that the magnetic fields in rocks indicate the original location is different than the present ones. The Earth’s rotation and the centrifugal force towards the equator are considered the mechanism for the continental drift. Unlike back in Westerner’s era, today we know more about how the earth works, like plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is the theory that helps to explain Earth’s landscape features. There are two processes that plate tectonics go though; one pushes pieces f land together and the other spreads them apart. These are responsible for all the natural land forms on Earth’s surface like mountains, valleys, and ridges in the ocean floor. The Himalayas are a prime example of plate tectonics colliding together to form a 2900 kilometer mountain range. Another example of that plate tectonics can create is the Ring of Fire; a 40,000 kilometer stretch of 452 volcanoes that is a horse shoe shape ranging along the cost from North America, South America, New Zealand, and Japan. To understand anything about continental drift, plate tectonics or science in mineral it helps to know how they come up with all this. This is the processes know at The Scientific Method, this method was not made up by any one person, but has Just been recognized as the natural method of obtaining reliable knowledge. This processes help us to understand the natural world. There are five steps to The Scientific Method and these are; identify the problem/idea, research the problem/ idea, formulate a hypothesis, conduct and experiment, and reach a conclusion. The two methods to go about this are experimental or descriptive, but both contain the same objective reasoning and process. For the research process you have qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative is more about observations and quantitative is more about measurements and data. Both play a important role and can be used together or you can use which ever suites the problem/idea better. After all this is done you finally have a theory that is a collective vision and has the potential to change society. Science can help us to answer questions about if we should be using nonrenewable energy resources by looking at the effects using these nonrenewable energy sources has on the Earths surface. First lets that a look at what these resources are; a nonrenewable energy source comes from something that will run out or not be replenished in many lifetimes. Most of these include fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Using or burning these throws off the carbon balance of the earth’s atmosphere by releasing carbon dioxide. This causes our greenhouse effect to be higher thus raising our temperatures faster than most animals can adapt. One example of the disturbance to wild life and habitat that drilling for these nonrenewable resources like oil and gas has is on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This nineteen million acre Refuge is the largest land based unit of all the wildlife Refuge systems. This area remains mostly uninfluenced by humans, but is under attack by the oil industry’s to open it up to drilling. By doing this it would disrupt the habitats of the animals living there, the fragile ecosystem is vulnerable to long-lasting disturbances because the harsh climate provides little time for recovery. How to cite Continental Drift, Papers

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